NEFAR's June 2008 LaunchCalm winds made for a good day for launching rockets during NEFAR's June launch.
A couple of Thors were launched - one from the high-power pads and one from the low-power pads.
The high-power one was launched first.
Steve Pollak flew is upscale Mars Lander.
Bracha and I weren't planning to fly anything, but, on impulse, we bought a motor from an on-site vendor for our Big Daddy Akavish.
3 .. 2 .. 1 ...
BOOM! The motor CATOed.
The motor shot through the motor mount and partially through the top of the spider's head. [View Video]
Paul Robinson of Animal Motor Works took a look at the remains of the motor (it wasn't one of his, by the way) and thinks that the reload kit might have been dropped or crushed before I bought it - causing one or more of the grains to crack.
Carl Campbell's flight a minute later was much more successful.
More spectacular flights followed including a Nike Smoke on a "sparky" motor.
Additional photographs of the June launch taken by Bracha Smith and Roger Smith are available for viewing in the Payload Bay Gallery.

High-Speed Videos of the June 2008 NEFAR Launch
[Posted: 2008-06-20 | Updated: 2008-06-29]